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About Us

The American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) is the premier non-profit organization representing professionals dedicated to treating female pelvic floor disorders. Founded in 1979, AUGS represents more than 2,000 members, including practicing physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, nurses and health care professionals, and researchers from many disciplines.

For members and constituents, AUGS is the primary source of clinical and scientific information and education in urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery.

Join and obtain additional information on the benefits of membership

Mission Statement

As the leader in urogynecology, AUGS drives excellence in comprehensive care for women with pelvic floor disorders.

Vision Statement

To eliminate the impact of pelvic floor disorders on a woman’s quality of life.

Strategic Goals

  1. Grow membership and engage the full urogynecology community.
  2. Protect and strengthen the interests of urogynecology professionals and their patients.
  3. Provide advanced research, education, training, and clinical best practices to urogynecology professionals.
  4. Preserve and align resources with AUGS’ mission.


Governance Documents and Policies


Conflict of Interest - Industry Relationships

Conflict of Interest - Professional Associations

Disclosure Policy

Expert Witness Testimony Policy

Member Code of Conduct
