Contact Your Representative Regarding NIH Funding Indirect Costs
In follow up to the
NIH announcement regarding a standard indirect rate of 15% across all NIH grants (link to our prior NIH funding alert), many institutions across the country are encouraging researchers to contact their members of Congress to share concerns regarding the this cut. Members of Congress likely do not have any understanding of the important roll indirect cost funding plays in the ability of U.S. scientists to conduct cutting edge research. They need to hear from you.
Finding Your Representative's Phone Number:
- Visit and enter your home address to find your Member of Congress or Senators. Their Washington, D.C. office phone number will be listed for each representative.
- When a staff member answers, introduce yourself with your name and address to confirm you are a constituent. If you get their voicemail, leave a message.
- Your conversation may be brief, as they may have to answer other calls. Clearly explain why you're calling, what you want your representative to do, your research field and mention any potential medical outcomes your research could have.
- Be courteous and respectful and offer to leave contact information for further follow-up.
Sample Call:
"Hello, my name is [Dr. XXXXXX], and I live on [Main Street in Any town, California]. I am a [biomedical researcher (physician-scientist) at the State University], where I study [briefly describe your research]. This research is funded by the [NIH] and is crucial because [in one sentence explain why your research is important to the public]. The decision by the NIH to immediately reduce the amount of funds it provides universities to support biomedical research will have a devastating impact on U.S. science. Universities are vital partners in the research we do. Without the administrative support and the research facilities they provide, I could not do my research. I am deeply concerned about the implications of this decision on U.S. standing as the world’s leader in life science/medical research. I urge [Senator XXXXX] to take action to stop these reductions in university research support. Thank you for your time, and I would be happy to discuss this further at any time."
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