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ACQUIRE Questions

Questions & Answers

How will it affect my practice workflow?

ACQUIRE has been designed to minimize your participation overhead and time spent on data entry while immediately delivering valuable tools that your practice can use. 

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Is it necessary to have an EHR system to participate in ACQUIRE?

At this time, the ACQUIRE Registry does not integrate with any Electronic Health Record systems but it is a user-friendly, web-based data entry tool designed to reduce the burden of data entry. 

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How can ACQUIRE inform me about my patient population?

In the near future, you'll be able to monitor patient care, track interventions, and evaluate outcomes at a population level. ACQUIRE will allow users to run queries based on the demographics of your patient population for those conditions addressed in ACQUIRE.

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Who will have access to my data?

ACQUIRE collects, stores and reports data on a provider’s behalf, taking every measure possible to safeguard it. AUGS' technology partner, Prometheus, is compliant with all local and federal regulations governing these areas, including HIPAA provisions and the recently updated provisions as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act.

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How will AUGS use the data in ACQUIRE?

Based on the aggregate data, AUGS will be able to publish benchmarks that can be used to assess a urogynecologists’ outcomes, practice patterns and utilization of new technology to look at overall trends in the patient population. ACQUIRE data will begin to identify gaps in practice patterns which will provide AUGS with insights into future educational programming and service offerings for members.

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