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COVID-19 Resources

Below are a collection of resources for our members during the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will continue to be updated with new information as it becomes available. 

Medical Society Resources | Telemedicine Coding and Coverage Resources | Government Resources
Certification and Licensure Resources | Research Resource 

Medical Society and Health Care Institution Resources

Telemedicine Resources

  • Telemedicine & Managing Your Practice During COVID-19 Webinar
    Recorded on Thursday, April 16
    Speakers: Dr. Scott Poehlmann, Jill Rathbun (Galileo Consulting Group)

    Discussed Topics Include: Telehealth Services by Type (Coding and Billing, Medicare Waivers); CMS Policy Changes; Coding and Billing; Technology Waivers; Licensure Waivers; Other COVID-19 Policy Changes (Small Business Loans, Medicare Payment Changes)
  • CMS Rules for Telehealth
    Beginning with March 6, 2020 as the date of service, CMS has relaxed restrictions on the use of telemedicine providing greater flexibility for the Medicare providers during this uncertain viral season. AUGS members are frequently caring for the most vulnerable patients and the opportunity to avoid possibly unnecessary viral exposure through technology use is a viable option for providers who wish to give their patients choices in care during this uncertain time.

    In ALL areas, not just designated "rural" areas, Medicare patients in their homes may have reimbursable office visits with their physicians through communication technology including telephone conversations. Also "virtual Check-ins" may occur with established patients when the communication is not related to a medical visit that occurred within the prior 7 days or not lead to an office visit in the next 24 hours. The patient must verbally consent to the virtual visit and must be counseled that the virtual visit would be billed as an actual visit in terms of deductibles and copays.

    Medicare telehealth visits are different and require audio and visual capabilities in real-time. For full explanation and further instruction, please refer to:

    Fact Sheet on this announcement. 
    Frequently Asked Questions on this announcement. 
  • AMA Quick Guide to Telemedicine in Practice

Government Resources





Certification and Licensure Resources

Research Resource
