The Basics of Getting Started with Twitter and Instagram
How to Use This Toolkit 
This toolkit was created by the AUGS Social Media Committee to provide AUGS members with the resources necessary to create social media profiles on Twitter and Instagram with the goal of professional networking, patient education, and dissemination of academic and scholarly work…and also to have fun and meet other AUGS members!
Twitter or Instagram - Which One is for You/Your Practice?
- Good for threads and dissemination of information (papers, tweetorials, journal clubs)
- Opportunity to network with others in and outside of your profession
- Great for crowdsourcing (polls)
- Visually appealing
- Can post videos
- For provider and patient education
What is Twitter?
A social medial (#SoMe) platform to engage with public and academic audiences by use of 280 character Tweets that allow for categorizing by hashtags (#) and/or tagging groups or people (@)
What is Instagram?
A social media platform that allows users to interact with photo and video based posts, stories (which can also include both photos and videos), reels (videos), or live videos.
Making a Username
- Your social media handle (@______) when people want to tag you. This is unique to you!
- Use capitalization to separate words vs underscore
- Ex: @IanFields vs @Ian_Fields
- Add your credentials
How to Engage with Followers
- Tweet, retweet, and quote tweet
- Like and share posts with the appropriate #hashtags to garner engagement
- Post tweetorials or clinical pearls to foster dissemination of information
- Regram stories and photos you like
- Like and comment on others posts
- Host lives, and can collaborate with others
Follow Us!
Urogynecology Journal Twitter - @UrogynJournal
We provide suggestions, you make sure to not break any rules! Please check with your institution’s social media policy. Common restrictions:
- HPI or patient photos
- Use of institutional branding
- “Following” patients or family members
As great as social media can be, remember to use these platforms responsibly.
- Set timers to limit social media addiction.
- Don’t engage with hateful posts or accounts (and report those that may violate platform terms of service).
- And most of all, have FUN!