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Become a Member

Join the leading organization for urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery and access current information and best practices by connecting with peers, staying informed, measuring quality, enhancing knowledge, and contributing and sharing knowledge. AUGS membership helps support your patients and advance your career.

Check out the membership benefits that provide educational opportunities, professional development resources, publications, and advocacy.

Join Now

Membership Categories

Physician ($670): Practicing clinician and/or serving in an academic role.

Fellow ($275): Applicants who are currently undergoing their fellowship training; in addition to completing the membership application, applicants must complete the Physician-in-Training letter to be eligible for the reduced member rate. The completed letter must be uploaded to the application.

Affiliate Member ($230): Includes physician assistants, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, basic science researchers.

Non-Clinical PhDs ($200): Includes individuals holding a PhD who are engaged in research, education, or other professional roles outside of clinical practice. To register, Non-Clinical PhDs should apply under the Affiliate Member category. For a discount code, please email before completing your application.

International Member ($135): Includes any physician, physician in training, or affiliate member who resides outside of the United States or Canada.

Medical Student (Regular - Free, $60 for online journal access): Applicants who are currently in medical school; in addition to completing the membership application, applicants must complete the Physician-in-Training letter to be eligible for the reduced member rate. The completed letter must be uploaded to the application.

Resident (Regular - Free, $60 for online journal access): Applicants who are currently undergoing their residency training; in addition to completing the membership application, applicants must complete the Physician-in-Training letter to be eligible for the reduced member rate. The completed letter must be uploaded to the application.

Fellowship Program Coordinator ($205): Includes any program coordinator of an ACGME-accredited fellowship program.


Fellowship Program Member

Fellowship Program Member ($2,000): A group membership type designed to provide cost savings to accredited fellowship programs. Read about the benefits of fellowship program membership

Life Member

Regular Members (Physician, Affiliate, and International) of AUGS may apply for Life Membership upon retirement from professional activity. To qualify, the applicant must have been a Regular AUGS member in good standing for a minimum of 10 inconsecutive years prior to applying for Life Membership. Any member who resumes professional activity related to health care will lose Life Member status, unless again fulfilling the criteria.

Privileges of Life Membership include participation at the AUGS annual business meeting (without a vote), access to the AUGS Community, and member discounts to PFD Week and other educational meetings. Life Members may serve on a committee, but are not eligible to serve on the Board or hold office.

There are two classes of Life Membership:

  • Life Member without Journal Subscription (Free)
  • Life Member with Journal subscription

To apply for Life Membership, please e‐mail the Life Membership Application explaining your desire for Life Membership to All requests will be reviewed and approved by the Membership Committee at their next scheduled meeting.

How to Join

Join online and make a payment via credit card or a check made payable to AUGS. If you have any questions, please email

American Urogynecologic Society
P.O. Box 748618
Atlanta, GA 30374-8618

Membership is on a calendar basis, January through December, and renewal notices are e-mailed to all members in October.

Join Now

Join at a Discount

From July 1 - September 30, AUGS offers prorated membership dues for new AUGS members. To receive the discount, contact

Member Code of Conduct

Membership in the American Urogynecologic Society entails a responsibility to uphold and further the Society's purposes and mission as set forth in the Society's Bylaws and the resolutions and decisions of its Board of Directors. The code of conduct was first approved by the Board of Directors on March 1, 2013 and updated on June 24, 2018 and is effective for all new members and current members renewing their dues as of June 24, 2018. Members will be asked to read and agree to the code of conduct during the renewal and joining process. 

Download the AUGS Member Code of Conduct.

Phone: 301-273-05705

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