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Reviewer Opportunities

Reviewer Opportunities

Center for Scientific Review The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) reviews three quarters of all NIH applications and virtually all submitted R01s. Assisting CSR in identifying reviewers with expertise in women’s health will have a broad impact by ensuring the development of a more comprehensive knowledge base on diseases and disorders that affect women. Scientific societies, who are in continuous communication with the larger biomedical and biobehavioral community, have an important role to play.

To participate in this effort, please submit the following information to
  • Name
  • Degree
  • Email address
  • CV
  • Key terms that reflect your broad expertise
  • Key terms the reflect your research focus
  • Key terms that reflect your methodological expertise (e.g. population-level statistical methods; etc.)
All potential reviewers must be submitted to the CSR by a scientific society such as AUGS. CSR shares these recommendations with all CSR scientific review officers.