Awardee Information
- Participants will be notified of their status in early to mid-August
- All participants are expected to attend the AUGS/IUGA joint scientific meeting September 24th-27th and subsequent annual meetings
The didactic component of the program will consist of the following:
- Three 10 to 12-week modules taught through the online learning platform Sakai, with two weeks break in between
- One self-paced seminar Module IV: Predictive Analytics to be undertaken after Modules 1-3 have been successfully completed
- At the end, participants will demonstrate a practical understanding of the key theoretical components of modern computational and analytic methods
- Modules 1-3 (Study Designs; Economic, Psychometric and Decision Analytics; Statistics in HSR) will consist of 2-week long sessions taught by various instructors. Participants should expect to spend approximately 5 hours per session including 2 hours of preparatory reading for the session, 1 hour to view asynchronized videos, and 2 hours of studying
The research component of the program will consist of the following:
- Development of a research proposal addressing a PFD topic of interest during the later three months of the didactic portion
- One on one instruction from the statistician, analytical programmer and a paired clinical mentor
- Ongoing review of the progress and methods of the project to ensure appropriate progress and scientific validity
- Preparation of a manuscript at the completion of the project
Participants are expected to attend the in-person UrogynCREST meeting at the AUGS annual meeting each fall, as well as an online web meeting one other time during the year. Scholars will present a progress report at each of these meetings, as well as other times as determined appropriate by the UrogynCREST PI and individual mentors. Annual reports will be submitted to the NIH detailing participants’ progress.
Clinical Mentors
Jennifer Anger, MD, MPH
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
W. Thomas Gregory, MD
Oregon Health & Sciences University
John E. Jelovsek, MD, MMEd, MSPA
Duke University
Victoria Handa, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins University
Jerry Lowder, MD, MSc
Washington University in St. Louis
Jonathan Routh, MD, MPH
Duke University
Charles Scales, MD
Duke University
Vivian Sung, MD, MPH
Brown University
Jennifer Wu, MD, MPH
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Annual Reappointment Process
Scholars will be reappointed annually by the UrogynCREST PI with recommendations from the Advisory Board regarding their adherence and completion of course curriculum and the progress of their research project.
Should a scholar be found to be delinquent in any responsibility, a remediation plan will be created by the UrogynCREST PI and approved by the Advisory Board including additional meetings with the mentor and scholar if needed. If the scholar cannot adhere to the conditions of the program or fails to follow the remediation plan, he or she may be dismissed from the UrogynCREST program.
Program Timeline