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Results: 100 Articles found.
  • President's Perspective: Advocacy in Action at PFD Week

    As we enjoy the summer season and indulge in well-deserved vacations, it's incredible to realize that PFD Week, AUGS annual meeting, is only three months away! Our community of clinicians and researchers will convene in Washington, DC in October to exchange ideas, hear inspiring presentations, participate in interactive workshops, and network with experts. It promises to be an exceptional event.

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  • President's Perspective: Support the Urogynecology Journal

    Urogynecology is the premier publication for urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery research, and as our organization’s journal, it is important that we support Urogynecology. I also want to highlight that because of the journal’s name change in 2022, to reflect our specialty’s new name, there will be a decrease in the journal’s impact factor. Here is some information on what occurs after a journal name change...

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  • President's Perspective: Announcing AUGS CEO

    On behalf of the AUGS Board, Dr. Jen Wu is delighted to share that as of April 1, 2024, Stacey Barnes is officially the new CEO of AUGS. Stacey has worked as the interim CEO of AUGS for the last year and has done an outstanding job. Stacey has extensive experience in working with non-profit organizations and brings a new perspective to the Society. The Board could not be happier that Stacey agreed to take on this role permanently.

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  • President's Perspective: Celebrating 2023 Accomplishments

    President's Perspective from Cate Bradley, MD, celebrating 2023 accomplishments

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  • State of Society

    state of society

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  • Urogynecology Editor-in-Chief Departure

    Dr. Linda Brubaker, Urogynecology journal’s Editor-in-Chief, will end her term at the conclusion of this year. Over the past seven years, Dr. Brubaker has led the journal through monumental transitions and many achievements. We are grateful for her exceptional leadership and dedication.

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  • Announcing the National Urogynecology Research Agenda

    President's Perspective Announcing the National Urogynecology Research Agenda

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  • President's Perspective: PFD Week

    PFD Week is our annual opportunity to spend time with so many of our friends, colleagues, mentors, and mentees, and to meet new people who are also passionate about urogynecology surgery, evidence-based care, and research. This year in Portland, PFD Week promises to be an exceptional event and a lot of fun!

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  • President's Perspective: Introducing Interim CEO, Stacey Barnes

    Apr 10, 2023 03:30 PM

    On behalf of the AUGS Board, I would like to officially introduce our Interim CEO, Stacey Barnes, as well as provide additional information on our staff leadership transition plan.

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  • President's Perspective: 2023

    Jan 31, 2023 01:13 PM

    You may remember from recent AUGS communications that our volunteer terms are now linked to the calendar year, beginning in January, and ending in December. Given this, I’d like to thank each and every volunteer whose term has just ended. Your commitment, service, and hard work have made such a difference in every facet of the organization.

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  • DEP-20210315-Urogyne-ElizabethMueller_Individual_6 copy

    President's Perspective: 2022 Recap

    Dec 15, 2022 09:50 AM

    In addition to Board nominations, this is also the time of year when we issue a call for committee volunteers. AUGS has over 250 volunteers who commit their time and talent to our organization through their service on the Board, committees, writing groups, and the Urogynecology journal. The deadline for the call for volunteers is August 12.

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  • DEP-20210315-Urogyne-ElizabethMueller_Individual_6 copy

    President's Perspective: AUGS/IUGA Scientific Meeting 2022

    Apr 08, 2022 03:59 PM

    As the AUGS/IUGA joint meeting approaches, I’d like to address our board’s decision to meet in Austin. It has been nearly seven months since Texas signed into law Senate Bill 8 (SB 8), which applies significant restrictions on abortions, impacting reproductive healthcare for women and exposing healthcare providers to litigation risk. The contract for the AUGS/IUGA joint meeting was signed in 2019 long before the actions of the Texas state leadership.

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    Congress Addresses Medicare Payment Cuts and Government Funding to Avert a Shutdown Before Adjourning for the Year

    Dec 15, 2021 01:27 PM

    On December 10th President Biden signed into law S. 610, “Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act”, which Congress approved hours earlier addressing the looming 9% Medicare payments cuts scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2022. The legislation also provided a legislative pathway for the Senate to raise the debt ceiling limit. The bill includes the following Medicare provisions:​

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    Tell Congress to Stop the Medicare Cuts: Congressional Action Still Needed Before the End of This Year!

    A Continuing Resolution (CR) to avoid a government shutdown and provide current level funding for federal programs through February 18th was approved by Congress on December 2nd, just a day before the previous CR was set to expire at midnight December 3rd.

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  • DEP-20210315-Urogyne-ElizabethMueller_Individual_6 copy

    President's Perspective: Looking Ahead and Hoping for A Return to a Normal 2022

    Nov 16, 2021 12:56 PM

    The last month has brought to mind a phrase from American critic, Dorothy Parker, “What fresh hell is this!” Who of us could have imagined this ending to 2021 that started with such hope with the COVID-19 vaccine? I, like most of you, am setting realistic goals for this new year and learning to embrace uncertainty. To help us continue navigating during this difficult time, AUGS is also evolving its programs and activities.

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  • DEP-20210315-Urogyne-ElizabethMueller_Individual_6 copy

    President's Perspective: Seeking Your Nominations for the Raymond E. Lee Lectureship

    Nov 16, 2021 12:56 PM

    While PFD Week 2021 is only 30 days past, AUGS volunteers and staff are already starting to prepare for our AUGS/IUGA 2022 Joint Scientific Meeting in June. An important part of our meeting is the recognition of our outstanding teachers/surgeons and research coordinators.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    President's Perspective: Brief Amicus Curiae Filed

    Sep 30, 2021 12:13 PM

    As you may recall, in January 2020, the California Department of Justice announced that Johnson & Johnson (Ethicon, Inc) pay $344 million for “falsely and deceptively” marketing mesh devices used to treat stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    AUGS Joins ACOG to Oppose Texas Legislation That Threatens Access to Reproductive Patient Care

    We note particular concern and strongly oppose any laws and regulations that interfere in the confidential relationship which exists between a patient and their physician. This new law endangers this relationship by giving private citizens the unprecedented ability to interfere in women’s reproductive health decision-making.

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  • Remembering Past President Charles deProsse

    Sep 08, 2021 03:19 PM

    A cherished colleague passed away at his home on September 10, Charles A. deProsse, MD. He was 95. Dr. deProsse was AUGS’ 14th President serving in 1992-1993.

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  • Remembering Past President Stephen B. Young, MD

    A cherished colleague and friend to many of us passed away this past weekend (September 4, 2021), Stephen B. Young, MD. Dr. Young was AUGS’ 26th President serving in 2004-2005. He was an advocate of excellence in gynecologic surgery and was pivotal in the establishment of the AUGS-SGS Fellows Pelvic Research Network (FPRN).

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    Important COVID-19 Health and Safety Update for PFD Week 2021

    Aug 30, 2021 09:29 AM

    The recent increase in COVID infections has prompted discussions with the AUGS Board and we have made the decision to continue to plan for an in-person PFD Week 2021, October 12-15 in Phoenix, AZ with the option for virtual for those who cannot or choose not to attend in -person. This will be done with the top priority of the safety of all attendees, our industry partners, and AUGS staff.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    Welcome Our New Board Members

    Aug 18, 2021 11:25 AM

    I hope you will join me in congratulating our new AUGS Board members!

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    Juneteenth 2021

    Jun 19, 2021 04:06 PM

    I think that many of us exhibited both surprise and a sense of relief to the news of the declaration of Juneteenth as a new federal holiday. Although sporadically celebrated prior to this, the recognition and validation of this sentiment at the national level is overdue. I have asked our DEI leadership on behalf of the Committee to provide some words of recognition and resonance that will help to inspire all of us in AUGS.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    Seeking Program Champions for Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder

    Jun 11, 2021 09:52 AM

    In alignment with our mission to increase awareness in the US about pelvic floor disorders, I am soliciting potential interest from AUGS members in bringing an educational program about incontinence self-management to your local communities.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    President's Perspective: Call for Volunteers and Board Nominations

    May 27, 2021 11:34 AM

    We continue to get closer to seeing each other again at the upcoming PFD Week 2021. As I noted a few weeks ago, the programming for this year’s meeting will highlight excellence in the latest research, updates in clinical care approaches and translational initiatives, as well as many social and networking opportunities to reconnect.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    New Location and Dates for PFD Week 2021

    Apr 27, 2021 03:47 PM

    I hope that you are all as excited as I am to finally have a firm plan for PFD Week 2021! Although we could not make Montreal work this year, the alternative location at the Arizona Grand Resort and Spa just outside of Phoenix is going to be a great venue to see each other again. AUGS will be the only meeting at the resort and our attendees will take over 95% of the guest rooms. This allows us to practice appropriate social distancing and to utilize all the meeting space – inside and outside.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    President's Perspective: AUGS Launches New Corporate Council

    Apr 01, 2021 10:46 AM

    I think that we have all been ready for the coming of spring with an extra hour of sunlight in most parts, the budding of flowers and trees, and making plans for spring break. Hopefully, as we get deeper into this season and looking forward to summer, we see less of tornados and other storm destruction that has recently occurred. I hope that you are all keeping safe in this regard.

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  • Holly-E-Richter

    Cheers to a New Year and Excitement for 2021

    Dec 30, 2020 06:08 PM

    For most of us, this past year has been like no other with challenges to both our home and work lives.​

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  • Menefee

    AUGS Diversity and Inclusion Task Force Call for Volunteers

    Jul 07, 2020 03:00 PM

    After my President’s Perspective on racial equity and diversity, AUGS received numerous letters expressing thoughts on our sub-specialty history, member concerns, and the health care disparities related both to our patients and research within our field. I was able to listen and talk with many members and this was a powerful experience for me personally and confirmed the need for all of us to make sure that AUGS is a welcoming society for all our members.

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  • Menefee

    Call for Volunteers and Board Nominations

    Jun 02, 2020 12:50 PM

    We are making our annual Call for Volunteers and Board Nominations to move our Society forward. Now more than ever we need our members to engage and participate in AUGS. It is in large part because of the numerous committed volunteers over the years that AUGS and our specialty are where we are today.​

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  • Joint Statement on Re-introduction of Hospital and Office-based Procedures in the COVID-19 Climate for the Practicing Urogynecologist and Gynecologist

    Apr 29, 2020 04:49 PM

    Traditionally, surgical procedure prioritization depends on illness acuity and resource availability after shared decision making with patients. During an emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic, decisions must take into consideration new influences on the safety of benign gynecologic procedures. Prioritization of patients must be fluid as the pandemic waxes and wanes and is likely different in the peaks than the troughs of infection incidence.

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  • Menefee

    PFD Week 2020 Vancouver

    Feb 20, 2020 01:16 PM

    As many of you are preparing your abstracts for PFD Week 2020, I wanted to update everyone on a few changes to the annual meeting structure. In an effort to be responsive to attendee and member feedback on the annual meeting, the Board created a task force to take a closer look at how we could retain the meeting’s excellent reputation, while allowing for new ideas and concepts to ensure the meeting continues to be our flagship event each year.

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  • Menefee

    Announcing the AUGS Innovation Lectureship Award

    Jan 06, 2020 03:53 PM

    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and looking forward to a great 2020 for our society. It is with excitement that I announce on behalf of the AUGS Board the inaugural AUGS Innovation Lectureship at PFD Week 2020 in Vancouver. Looking toward our future, this award is intended to honor members of the society and national/global community at large who have made major innovative contributions to the field of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.

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  • Menefee

    Looking Towards 2020

    It is with great pleasure that I write my first President’s Perspective. First, I want to thank everyone for contributing to the successful AUGS/IUGA Joint Scientific Meeting in Nashville. This meeting was our largest to date, with 2,237 in attendance.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    State of the Society

    Oct 17, 2019 10:32 AM

    As I complete my Presidency of AUGS, I would like to bring to you a summary of the State of the Society. 2019 has been a busy year with many developments that impact our specialty but are outside of our direct control.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    AUGS Creates a Patient Advisory Group

    Aug 02, 2019 01:18 PM

    The American Urogynecologic Society was founded to serve the needs of medical professionals serving women who suffer from pelvic floor disorders. Patients have always been at the center of AUGS' mission, but have not been directly involved in the conversation.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    AUGS Code of Conduct for Expert Witnesses

    Jun 06, 2019 10:50 AM

    In recent months many members of AUGS have been frustrated by misinformation related to surgical technologies and materials that creates fear and anxiety in our patients. Media reports are often superficial and polarizing. For example, coverage of FDA decisions often fails to distinguish between transvaginal mesh for prolapse, and other forms of pelvic mesh (such as slings or sacrocolpopexy mesh). Even more alarming are those who employ misinformation and fear to seek personal profit.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    Call for Volunteers and Board Nominations

    May 22, 2019 10:57 AM

    Have you ever thought about volunteering to help AUGS? It is that time of year for our annual Call for Volunteers and Board Nominations, so maybe you should.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    Update on FDA Announcement on Transvaginal Mesh for Prolapse

    I write today to update my last Presidential Message from April 18, 2019 on the April 16th FDA Announcement ordering both manufacturers of the three surgical mesh products for transvaginal repair of prolapse to stop selling and distributing their products in the U.S.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    FDA Announcement on Transvaginal Mesh for Prolapse

    Apr 18, 2019 10:40 AM

    AUGS received notice from the FDA on Tuesday, April 16, of the simultaneous public notice, “FDA Takes Action to Protect Women’s Health; Orders Manufacturers of Surgical Mesh Intended for Transvaginal Repair of Pelvic Organ Prolapse to Stop Selling All Devices”. The notice orders all manufacturers of surgical mesh products for transvaginal repair of prolapse to stop selling and distributing their products in the U.S. immediately.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    AUGS to Testify at FDA Advisory Committee Meeting

    On February 12, 2019, the FDA plans to convene an Advisory Committee Meeting to share the available evidence and seek expert opinion on the evaluation of the benefits and risks of trans-vaginal mesh devices for anterior pelvic organ prolapse. This will provide an opportunity for the FDA to hear directly from the public, including patients, about their experiences, and consider additional regulatory actions.

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  • Cundiff__5b1_5d2018

    President’s Perspective: Statement on Gender Identification

    Oct 31, 2018 12:49 PM

    The U.S. Administration recently notified the media that they are considering the adoption of a narrow definition of gender. The new definition limits gender to male or female, based entirely on an assessment of genitalia at birth.

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  • Rardin_Charles_2018

    President’s Perspective: Meeting Code of Conduct for AUGS Members

    Sep 11, 2018 01:00 AM

    PFD Week is just around the corner, and Chicago in the early autumn is beckoning! The Program Committee has put together an outstanding lineup of all of the science, updates, addresses, and networking that you have come to expect from our annual meeting. Bring your energy, curiosity, enthusiasm, and an open mind to this exchange of expertise and ideas. Bring your concerns and your solutions to the many AUGS Volunteer meetings and activities that go on around the meeting.

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  • Rardin_Charles_2018

    Energy-Based Devices and Vaginal Rejuvenation

    Aug 08, 2018 04:16 PM

    As you may already know, the FDA released a Safety Communication on July 30 which provided a public warning regarding the use of “Energy-Based Devices to Perform Vaginal 'Rejuvenation' or Vaginal Cosmetic Procedures.” It was very clear in addressing this warning to patients considering undergoing the treatments, and to health care providers who offer them.

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  • Rardin_Charles_2018

    The Role of Volunteers in AUGS

    May 22, 2018 12:47 PM

    Have you ever logged on to the AUGS website and really looked around at all the things that AUGS is doing? It is a truly impressive array of activities and services; I hope you will take a moment to peruse the site and learn about some project, committee or member benefit of which you had not previously been aware. And what makes all of that happen? It’s our volunteers.

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  • Rardin_Charles_2018

    AUGS is Neither Pro-Mesh; nor Anti-Mesh - AUGS is Pro-science and Science and Evidence Must Lead the Way

    May 16, 2018 04:46 PM

    AUGS advocates for evidence-based options that enhance the choices available to members and their patients who suffer with pelvic floor disorders.

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  • Rardin_Charles_2018

    Mesh and the Court of Public Opinion

    May 11, 2018 10:54 AM

    AUGS recently became aware that, on Sunday, May 13th, “60 Minutes” will be airing a segment on mesh injuries. We know that some of the content will include interviews with patients; beyond that, we don’t know what to expect. We should be prepared, however, for a public reaction, and another layer of anxiety that our patients bring with them into our offices.

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  • Rardin1

    Developing the Role of Advanced Practice Providers in Your Urogynecology Practice

    I am taking this opportunity to bring your attention to the upcoming release of a new AUGS document, entitled, “A Training Guide - Core Competencies for the Advance Practice Provider Entering Urogynecology.” This document has been developed to assist practices in the hiring and training of APPs for Urogynecology-focused offices.

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  • Rardin

    President's Perspective: The Conversation Continues

    Oct 13, 2017 11:52 AM

    PFD Week, the highlight of the AUGS calendar, has now wrapped up, and Providence seems a little smaller without you all here! It was an amazingly rich program, with record participation in workshops and courses; as always, the level of the science presented here establishes the standard in FPMRS. We hosted leadership from IUGA and SUFU, as well as leaders from South American societies and an Ethiopian surgical network; our program - and our meeting - were the richer for their presence.

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  • ZYCZYNSKI_HALINA_MD_OBG_20131121email

    We Will Choose Whom We Honor

    Sep 15, 2017 02:19 PM

    Within the past 24 hours, a petition has been directed to the AUGS board regarding removing the J. Marion Sims name from one of our keynote addresses. Though my intent was to address this topic in my State of the Society address to all members, I now think it best to reassure you that the Board has not been ignoring this issue.

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  • presidents-perspective

    AUGS Educational Programming Expands in 2018 - Something for Everyone

    Aug 18, 2017 04:55 PM

    For over 35 years AUGS has produced the leading scientific meeting in the FPMRS field. Our Annual Scientific Meeting brings together successful and developing clinicians, researchers and scientists to exchange ideas, report on innovations and reconnect with colleagues. Thanks to the hard work and creativity of Cheryl Iglesias and the program committee you will find the content of PFD Week 2017 to be both relevant and provocative.

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  • presidents-perspective

    Call for Board Nominations

    Jun 30, 2017 02:57 PM

    It is an honor to serve as the Society’s 38th President and to work with members of the Board who are dedicated to ensuring the growth and prosperity of AUGS for today and the future. Board service is truly a rewarding experience and one that I hope many of you will consider at some point in your career. If you are interested in running for the AUGS Board of Directors or know a colleague that would be an asset to the Board, now is the time to submit that nomination.

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  • presidents-perspective

    Welcome to the brand-new AUGS website!

    Apr 24, 2017 12:58 PM

    Today, AUGS is excited to launch our new improved websites for AUGS, the PFD Research Foundation, PFD Week and Voices for PFD. The launch of these new websites culminates a yearlong undertaking of research and implementation.

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  • presidents-perspective

    Still Time to Protect Your Practice from a 4% Cut in Medicare Payments

    Feb 01, 2017 01:16 PM

    This year marks the beginning of a new physician reimbursement system that will impact many AUGS members. I write to inform you about two AUGS initiatives aimed at providing our members the resources they need to meet the CMS reporting requirements for full compensation in 2019. The AUGS Board has approved the addition of a new Practice Management Course to be held on March 25 in San Antonio, TX.​

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  • presidents-perspective

    FDA Issues Final Reclassification Order for Instrumentation for Use with Urogynecologic Mesh

    Jan 06, 2017 01:21 PM

    Today, the FDA issued a final reclassification order regarding Surgical Instrumentation for Use with Urogynecologic Surgical Mesh from Class I to Class II. Examples of the surgical instruments covered by the order include needle passers and trocars, needle guides, fixation tools, and tissue anchors for procedures including transvaginal POP repair, sacral colpopexy (transabdominal POP repair) and treatment of female SUI.

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Results: 100 Articles found.